I've been drawing stupid animal cartoons since quite literally as far back as I can remember. If I wanted a toy of some animal or other and I didn't have one, I'd just draw it on cardstock, cut it out, and fold the bottom into a little standee. I haven't really changed my approach much since then--I draw cool shit that makes me happy, for my own amusement.
My major artistic influences are Hanna-Barbara cartoons and their various 2000s derivatives, 60s-70s marketing mascots and print-ads, classic science-fiction art, 80s-00s underground comix, designer vinyl toys of all sorts, and classic and modern skate-brand graphics (#1 Jim Phillips fan right here.) I could go on but this is already kind-of boring to about half of you so whatever.
I draw all my sketches on paper with whatever crappy pencil I happen to have handy. I do traditional 'hard' linework with dollar-store fineliners; for digital linework and colours, I use Clip Studio Paint 3 with occasional additions and text-effects in Affinity Designer 2.
(As you can guess, I'm rather fond of vectors.)
I don't do any kind of commissions at the moment but I might start soonish if there's any interest. If you do want me to draw something fer ya feel free to E-mail or DM me on Discord (see my About page.)
July 2024-now
(newest art!)
March 2022-June 2024
(Original Badgersaurus stuff; no dates included)
Dragon Field-Guide
Fictional dragon species, in a birder's-guide-esque format,
from a world slightly to the left of ours.
Call it speculative evolution I guess.

Badgersaurus Comix
Semi-autobiographical gag-strips with my usual dry tone.
A vintage site feature that WILL RETURN... maybe.
Born Wiffa Tail
Punk-rock pterodactyls, subculture clashes, jerky teenagers, alternate evolution
and salmon lox.
A sorta-sci-fi comic about the temporary nature of most relationships and getting in over your head, with a very elaborate setting.
Sea-Witch Chronicles
Short fable-like fiction about a young witch somewhere off the coast of one of the U.K. islands and her various beastly 'friends'.
Has all kinds of very normal morals that are not satirical at all.
Shockingly appropriate for children! (Really!)
Post-post-apocalypse Americana served with genetically-engineered human-descendent species, revived extinct animals, cannibalism, collapsed AI, and your choice of chocolate or vanilla milkshake. Sci-fi comic anthology series.
Planet Claire
A short piece about first contact.