One-half furry woodland critter! One-half prehistoric reptilian horror! One-hundred-percent punk-rock!

Welcome to BADGERSAURUS, the best damn website on the Internet, according to webmaster Piper K., best known for creating Badgersaurus.
In other words... this is my corner of the Web, which I've been kicking around in some form or another since December 2021 and which has been up since March 2022, with updates every Sunday (more-or-less). Initially motivated by a hatred for social media corporations, a detest for bland minimalist design, and needing a place to host a gag comic strip I never really worked on, Badgersaurus has since expanded to cover a wide range of interests and perpetually-unfinished art projects.
In other other words--this is my digital big-city-bachelorette-pad full of cool shit that I like and jabs at lame shit that I don't like. It's got rough edges and bright colours and a serious attitude problem, the kinda stuff you won't find on any bland old social media page. Not to mention a kaiju mascot!

So--since you're made it this far--why not have a look around? The buttons on the left will guide you throughout my different 'rooms', or if you'd prefer, you can check the bulletin-slash-diary below to see what's new...


Happy New Years and what a busy busy time to be alive! If I wanted to cover all the big events in the last few weeks I have witty comments floating around in my head about I'd be here for hours. But this is a personal page and not a political blog or anything silly like that, so I will refrain from talking about it on here. You're all smart people, you read the news, you don't need me to regurgitate it for you.
Speaking of news-- Badgersaurus now supports RSS, aka the one good thing 'power user' techbros ever did for the world. If you're not familiar, it's a simple protocol for notifying of website updates and news and blog posts via simple text readable by any number of popular softwares and extensions (I use a firefox one called Feedbro.) It's a simple and easy way to keep up with updates to sites like this one without having to check them all the time. Subscribe with the radar button in the right 'cocktail bar' using whatever reader you like best! I know this wasn't on my big new year's list but I've wanted to do it for a while, for convenience's sake.

And for real content:
In the 'Extras' section, there is a custom browser startpage I made available for download! It's very cool I think. I know about JS and CSS variables now, which makes me even more powerful.
There are some new playlists on the appropriate page.
I went ahead and pushed some simple housekeeping and typo-fixing across the rest of the site, too. More stuff coming soon, as per usual.

This edition named for my favourite Bob Dylan song, Gotta Serve Somebody. I'm not a huge Dylan fan because I think his voice is weird, but God can he write... I'm a sucker for anyone else covering him. Kinda curious about that biopic with Chalamet that just came out, looks alright but I haven't read any reviews for it or asked anyone I know what they thought.

Check out past updates here!