The Pokemon series needs no introduction. So, I'm not gonna bother writing one.

Pokemon White was the first real video game I ever played, back in 2016. I bought a copy from a local used game store on a whim, and have been a fan ever since.
I've only come to enjoy and appreciate these games more as I've grown older and further explored video-games, science-fiction, nature-centric philosophy and creature design.

The key, I think, to why these games are so enjoyable, and why they are enjoyed by such a wide swath of people, is that they can be as simple or as complex as you want them to be.
In terms of gameplay, what I mean is obvious; you can play through a Pokemon game only focusing on type advantages and other simple strategies, you can go heavy on mathematic details like EVs and IVs, or you can play using the rules of a 'nuzlocke' or other player-defined challenge. You can shiny-hunt, or battle online against other people, or just focus on filling up your Pokedex and playing with your favourites.
Literally playing with them, like with a ball and cat-toy, and feeding them cupcakes or curry or what-have-you in the newer games.

Something similar applies to the writing and general worldview.
All the Pokemon games have simple, kid-friendly stories focused on broad characters and the sheer wonder of the world depicted, somewhat like a fairy-tale. Also like fairy-tales, there are loads of ways you can interpret and inspect them past their surfaces.
Mythological symbolism is an easy one-the Great Dragon of Unovan myth echoes biblical original-sin, being irreversible and marking a disconnection of human beings from a higher figure. Character-focused readings work out well, too: Hop and his brother in Sword and Shield, Lusamine and her fractured relationship with her family in Sun and Moon, and of course N in Black and White, who remains one of my favourite characters in gaming to this day.

These games were my earliest introduction to loads and loads of themes that I enjoy discussing, drawing and exploring to this day, and thanks to their variable, wide-appeal concepts, I'm certainly not alone in this. Here, you can see a list of my favourite Pokemon, people, and places from the games, a list of teams I have finished each game with, and a lore... theory... creation myth... fairytale.. thing. I dunno. I came up with it when I was, like, ten. Don't judge me too hard.


Piper's Personally Preferred Pokemon
(and trainers, and cities)

My favourite people, places and Pokemon from each game, sorted by generation.

Hall of Fame

A complete list of teams I have finished each mainline Pokemon game with, with notes on strategy, style, and my general thoughts on each game.

Lore Theory

A creation-myth tying every major legendary Pokemon together
(not that they really needed to be).

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